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One Way Trips

For more than 20 years, Ecc Yacht Charter has been offering sailing trips between the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands every season. To motivate our clients to embark on this experience, we offer 3 weeks charter for the price of one, allowing them to enjoy a leisurely sailing with time to enjoy the destination.

This ocean crossing is designed for all types of sailors, from the most experienced to those with less experience. For the latter, we organise flotillas so that they can have a safer and more comfortable experience with professional skippers.

Guanajo Travesía

Illusion Travesia

One Ways

15/04/2025 BEGINS

The One Way
Tenerife > Majorca

In mid-April, when the charter season ends in the Canary Islands, we prepare the boats for the ascent to Mallorca. This crossing can be done directly to Gibraltar (700 nautical miles) or passing first through Madeira (850 nautical miles), depending on the weather forecast.

Once in Gibraltar, full of gasoil and supplies, we set sail for Mallorca (450 nautical miles) where we will be able to enjoy its incredible coves and film-like landscapes for at least another week.

In total, 1,200 miles that will be signed by Ecc Yacht Charter in your logbooks or as a diploma.

Before leaving Tenerife, Ecc Yacht Charter's team of expert sailors will recommend, according to the weather forecast, the best routes to follow.

Make sure you have all your emergency equipment on board before you leave, and of course don't forget to ask for your fishing gear.

Take this opportunity to sail unhurriedly, let the wind move you.

ON 15/10/2025 BEGINS

The One Way
Majorca> Tenerife

At the end of our season in Mallorca, around the 15th of October, our fleet sets course for the Canary Islands to start the winter season. There are many ways to make this crossing, although the most popular is to head directly to Lanzarote and then take advantage of the trade winds to visit the rest of the islands with favourable winds.

Normally this is the easiest and most comfortable crossing, as the winds are constant from the north-east, which makes it perfect for less experienced sailors with a desire to learn.

In total, 1,200 miles that will be signed by Ecc Yacht Charter in your logbooks or as a diploma.

Before leaving Mallorca, Ecc Yacht Charter's team of expert sailors will recommend, according to the weather forecast, the best routes to follow.

Make sure you have all your emergency equipment on board before you leave, and of course don't forget to ask for your fishing gear.

Take advantage of this opportunity to sail in the Canary Islands without haste, let the wind move you.

One Ways

Would you like to book your event? Talk to us.

Whatsapp and phone
+34 615 348 576


We will contact you to finalise all the details of the booking via email.